History Lesson

Day 5 



Visiting the National Museum was as we expected, depicting a similar history to New Zealand. Their excellent map of the Pacific migrations, showed how courageous and skilled the early explorers were. Rarotonga is a little dot in an immense body of water so we marvelled that it was found so early. Apparently the island is a top of a mountain. There is a huge landmass underneath us!

We are now regulars at The Café. We are not prepared to try other coffee shops in case they are not so good – best to stick with what you can be sure of!

The temperatures are certainly warmer than when we first arrived – pleasant mid 20s during the day and high teens overnight. We watch TVNZ news at 8.45pm and see that we have escaped the very cold temperatures at home. We thought that it is Spring!


Sunday is Closed

Day 4 


Our quiet SH1 is even quieter today. Those on the road are dressed in their finery and headed to Church.


We are grateful for our breakfast coffees that our eldest son provided, and decide that if there is no coffee in town today, all is not lost as we can head back home to the plunger.

The Café is closed as we had expected, but wait, how about the airport? Sure enough we spot an espresso machine and settle down for our second caffeine fix for the day.

We headed south to Aroa Beach which is quite spectacular, but apparently not safe for swimming or any water sports for that matter.

As we ate our steak and salad at home tonight, after a beautiful sunset, we felt that Raro is an excellent holiday destination!


To Market, To Market

Day 3



Early every Saturday morning the Punanga Nui Market is open for business and everyone is there! We even bumped into neighbours from home! Brightly smiling stall-holders are laughing with customers and tourists are mooching about whilst local mothers are busily buying food for their families.

Of course there are the usual tourist shirts, carvings and the very popular black pearls which catch the attention of visitors

We, however, are looking for local fruit and veges, so we head down the rows to check out what appeals to us.


Laden up with our big carrier bag, we then head off for a coffee, of course.


Black Rock Beach is across the road and we enjoy walking down the beach in the afternoons. Kids are having fun leaping off the rocks and splashing into the warm sea.


We have noted how happy kids are here. We’ve not heard a crying or temperamental child. Everyone is happy, friendly and helpful.


Rarotanga First Impressions

Day 2

Roosters crowing before daybreak deserve to end up in the pot!!

Despite the early wake up calls, it has been a fabulous day!

As expected, we managed to track down a fabulous coffee shop mid morning. We explored the town and worked out parking for tomorrows market morning. Gray also bought a sim card so that he can use his phone. Our GPS lady is with us here!

After lunch at home on the deck, we wandered across the road to spend some time on the beach. It is coral sand. We were hoping to see whales, but maybe another time. Because the sea becomes deep after only a few metres out, the whales come quite close to shore.


Then back to our Villa: taking care when crossing the road. It is the main road around the country: similar to State Highway 1 or the M1


Dinner tonight was at Kikau Hut – more seafood!

People are commenting how cold it is and it is colder than we expected. We are hoping for some bright, sunny days so we can get some good photos.


Traveling Days

Day 1



Traveling Days

Leaving from Auckland airport on an early morning flight can be problematic. How busy will the motorway be? Shall we stay in Auckland the night before?

We decided to head down the afternoon before and stayed overnight.

It was a stressless delivery of the car and ride to the airport.

Landing in Rarotonga is interesting! Despite one’s fears there is land there – not a sea landing!


Friendly faces great us and soon we are heading out of town in our little Toyota Yaris.


Black Rock Villas is a lovely destination. We are perched on a hilltop looking down on the Pacific. Our villa is very comfortable and our hosts very welcoming.



Dinner at Alberto’s was fun! Very 1980s but it was nearby and the food was fresh. Early to bed.


Relaxing In Rarotanga


Day  minus 4


Ironing has not ever been a favourite pastime, but today has been different; almost pleasurable, in fact. In the spare room there are now small piles of shorts, Tee shirts and tops. Yes, we are off on another adventure!


Most New Zealanders have visited Rarotonga more than once, but this will be our first visit. The timing is quite good, too. Our winter hasn’t been particularly cold, but it has been wet, windy and dreary, so a warm, sunny Pacific island feels quite alluring! And they drive on the left hand side of the road! How good is that!


Only 4 more sleeps!


Home Again!




We were pleased to be home yesterday afternoon, despite walking into a very cold house. However, it wasn’t long before we were sitting in front of a roaring fire, drinking our tea.

This year as a way of a change we have planned short holiday breaks reasonably close to home instead of the much longer stints we’ve had away in recent years.

Vanuatu is only a 3 hour flight from New Zealand. Of course, Santo, where we spent most of the week is another 1 hour flight. Being so far north it was very warm and comfortable compared to our winter.

This holiday didn’t pan out quite as we had expected and it is interesting that as ‘oldies’ we need to take stock for a moment, before launching off again. I’m sure when we were younger we took on challenges with far more gusto! But nevertheless we had a great time meeting friendly, helpful, smiley people, savouring the beautiful sights as well as the absolutely delicious seafood!


Tata Ale tata Baibai Lukim yu


Crazy Climate

Day 6   IconRae


Leaving Luganville

We are here in Port Vila wearing long trousers, jerseys and shoes. Odd, I agree, but it is really quite cold. The heavens opened as we landed. We’d left Luganville with the usual summery feeling of Vanuatu. But now in Port Vila It feels as if we’d landed in another country. The thunder rolled all around us as we drove into town in our taxi. It was a tropical storm! It was at its peak as we stepped out of the taxi into our resort.


Gray got absolutely drenched as he dragged our luggage to reception. Staff at the resort rushed about with beach towels trying to dry him down. As soon as our room was ready he had a nice hot shower and changed into his winter travelling clothes. I’ve also put on a jersey. The Ni Vanuatu are wrapped in scarves and wearing thick woolly clothing. It does seem weird!

We didn’t fancy heading back into town to do our family present shopping, so we chose to shop in the resort shop instead. We figure that strange gifts are better then arriving home empty handed??


By 3pm the rain had stopped but the tropical plants still drip with moisture and you have to dodge the puddles on the pathways. And by 4pm the rain was pouring down again!

We are catching up on news after a week of no tv, limited internet and being in ‘Island mode’. You can very easily slip away from reality when on holiday.

Because we have a very early departure a ‘simple’ breakfast was delivered to our room.



Blue Holes and Port Olry

Day 5  IconRae




We wake most mornings very early as the Ni Vanuatu women call out for their boat to bring them over to Aore Island for work. We certainly do not get up then; just rollover for another hour or two to doze.

This morning we were on the water taxi after breakfast ready for our day out with John, the taxi driver who brought us into Luganville from the airport on Saturday.

He took us to the Nanda Blue Hole which was spectacular. The colour is so rich and despite the pool being very deep you could clearly see fish swimming. The tropical setting was really well maintained.


Gray wandered off with his camera as I took the holiday snaps on his phone.


There were a few local young people swimming, even though according to them it was so cold. The air temperature was 27!


On the way to Port Olry we passed many coconut plantations. Coconuts and copra are still their main exports.


We arrived at Port Olry just before lunch, so after we put in our order at the cafe, we wandered down the beach. I cannot remember ever taking my sandals off and paddling in the water in June before. School was letting kids out for their 2 hour siesta.


We sat on the benches at the table on the beach and devoured our coconut crab. Needless to say it was delicious and we enjoyed the whole process of getting all the flesh from the shell. Thankfully there was a hand basin and soap in the ladies!


We were quite quiet on our way back to town. We are so glad we were able to have this day out. John was a good tour guide and understood what we wanted to do straight away.


Morning Coffee

Day 4  IconRae


We wake to clear blue skies and very welcome sunshine. After breakfast we take the water taxi over to Luganville.


We walk through Santo Hardware onto the Main Street. The hardware is a miniature Bunnings so we check out the prices of plaster board etc – much the same as home. No one would guess we have sons building houses at the moment. The street is quite bustly with trucks carrying supplies and workers to their work sites. There are also many small taxis ferrying people about. The trick is to flag down a newish tidy looking one as some of them do not look road worthy!


After a delicious coffee at the French Cafe we buy a few more provisions, get more money out of the wall and check out the tourist info centre – where I leave my sun hat!

We had planned to have lunch at the French Cafe, but it was too early and too hot to meander about, so we find Sandy, our water taxi guy, at the wharf and head home. The cool breeze over the water is lovely to feel as we speed across the channel.


It is very hot as we amble along the path to the resort. We cannot hurry, so we notice all the wildlife around us. There are various types of skinks skittering about. Some quite small ones have an iridescent blue stripe along their backs. There are a few large black butterflies flittering about. The few birds we see darting about are swallows.

Fish mornay served in a coconut shell was absolutely scrummy.


We spotted a private little beach where we planned to paddle about but once we got home we crashed into a siesta.

Dinner at home on the deck – goodness me it was pasta again!


Despite it being a cooler night and early morning, today has been our hottest day. It was very humid and sticky making us feel quite lethargic especially after our large lunch and walk.
