Happy Birthday Grandad

Happy Birthday Grandad
Phuket, Thailand
Tuesday March 27th 2012

Phuket, Thailand

We slept in, so rushed off to breakfast. When we got back, we babysat George, so Liam, Rebecca and Violet could go down to breakfast too. Violet is much brighter.

We all headed to the mainland to do some more shopping. We still cannot find silk.

We celebrated Gray’s birthday with pizza and chips for lunch!

At one stage the wait staff took George off to play.
We had quite a long wait for the tuktuk after we got off the ferry, so by the time we were back a the resort we blobbed out until dinner which was room service again at Liam and Rebecca’s.
With the kids safely tucked up in bed we headed back home before the heavens open again.
Maybe no spa tonight – rumbling thunder wouldn’t add to the ambience!

Patong visit

Patong visit
Phuket, Thailand
Monday March 26th 2012

Phuket, Thailand

The family are still not very well. George and Becs seem OK. Liam and Violet are still unwell.
Gray and I headed off to a mall at Patong, looking for silk for Colette, but we only found pashminas etc made of Thai silk and no-one could tell us where we could buy silk by the metre. We will try again tomorrow.

When we arrived back we called in on the family. Violet is still quite sick.

The heavens opened. Their villa leaks!!

We rang through to room service and had our meals delivered and once it was dry again we headed back to our suite.

Another Hot Day!

Another Hot Day!
Phuket, Thailand
Saturday March 25th 2012

Phuket, Thailand

We breakfasted on our own today as the others are not feeling too well.

Before it got too hot, we ventured up the beach to explore a little and to take some photos.

Hopped on the ferry to the mainland and bought a hat and had coffee at the seafood restaurant we went to a few nights ago.

As with most days we stayed in our suite during the heat of the day. We kept in Skype contact with Liam, making sure that they were OK. Violet is quite unwell and Liam is pretty seedy too.

We’ve just got back from dinner under the stars. There were not many people in either restaurant as lots seemed to be checking out today.

Now it’s time for a spa – best taken after writing up the blog. Far too relaxed afterwards!


Phuket, Thailand
Saturday March 24th 2012

Phuket, Thailand

This afternoon we were entrusted with Violet and George when Liam and Becs went across to Festival Central to do some shopping. We survived, but more importantly so did the kids!

We like our holiday

We like our holiday
Phuket, Thailand
Friday March 23rd 2012

Phuket, Thailand

Violet has been keen to play with other kids so today we headed off to the Kids’ Club and played with her as she was the only kid there. We will keep an eye out in future so she does go when other kids are there. There are some Aussie, French and German families staying so hopefully she can make some friends.

This evening we went over to the mainland to a seafood restaurant – food extremely yummy!

We are now ready for bed, having relaxed in the spa under the stars.

Coconut Island Village

Coconut Island Village
Phuket, Thailand
Thursday March 22nd 2012

Phuket, Thailand

We are quite settled into resort life!

Breakfast of tropical fruits, bacon and eggs, croissants etc etc go down a treat and apart from a snack at lunchtime keep us going until dinner at night.

We tried out the pool at Villa 72.

We went over on the ferry at lunchtime and caught a taxi into Festival Central, a big shopping mall. Violet bought a new pair of shoes and we did some supermarket shopping after looking around clothing shops.
Dinner was at the Deli Bar where there was an Italian buffet – very good especially the desserts.

Goodbye Ao-Nang, Hello Phuket

Goodbye Ao-Nang, Hello Phuket
Phuket, Thailand
Wednesday March 21st 2012

Phuket, Thailand

Traveling during the heat of the day is never great!
We were collected at our resort by ‘van’ (open air truck), plus other passengers and all the luggage stacked on top, to go to the ferry terminal. I was privileged to travel in the cab with the driver. It was a little perplexing when doing up my seat belt, I spotted a pistol in a holster!

The ferry trip was 2 hours and Violet and George slept a good part of it.

It was stinking hot when we got off to wait for our van to the Coconut Island Village ferry. Finally a van turned up and we headed off. By this time George was really over heating and as Violet put, “cracking it”! The poor chap!
At the ferry we managed to get on with all our luggage and were at the resort in a few minutes. The resort has that Hollywood look – just don’t look too deeply.

Liam, Becs and the kids are in a 2 bedroomed villa and we are in a suite, a few hundred metres away through a tropical garden. After a few issues with phones and air-con we are all settled in.

The cocktails during half price happy hour were very yummy. Service in the restaurant was rather lacking, but we all got fed and the food was pretty good.
Tired travelers heading to bed.

Our last full day in Ao-Nang

Our last full day in Ao-Nang
Ao Nang, Thailand
Tuesday March 20th 2012

Ao Nang, Thailand

We have slipped into a very comfortable routine of eating, resting and swimming. Whenever we eat outside at the hotel, Violet gets up on the stage and dances and sings for us. This lunchtime there was reggae style music playing, so she put more effort into her dancing. At breakfast there is no music, so she sings, “Wheels on the bus”.

After lunch we all headed into town for a shopping spree. I’d spotted a bedcover and some cushion covers I really liked last night, but chickened out of the haggling stuff and came home empty handed.

We went back to the same shop, bought the bedcover and cushion covers as well as 2 T shirts for Gray, 2 tops for me, a T shirt for Liam, a T shirt for Callum (sorry Dude – boring!) a T shirt for Violet and a hat for Violet. Once we’d gathered all our purchases together Becs was called upon to do the deal. Everything came to 2000baht – about $80NZ!

George was ready for his nap so Rebecca took him back to the hotel and the rest of us
enjoyed icecreams.

Liam stayed in town taking more photos and collecting atmos sound, so we headed back to the hotel with Violet in the pushchair. We could not release the buckle of the harness so had to get her to struggle out Houdini style. We have just failed grandparenting 101
Dinner at the resort, Violet danced and sang on stage until the real live music started!

Swim, swim, swim.

Swim, swim, swim.
Ao Nang, Thailand
Monday March 19th 2012

Ao Nang, Thailand

We are really comfortable with holiday life in Ao-Nang. Having meals outside under the trees with everyone is magical. The many daily swims are helping Violet to gain her water confidence and during each time she is in the pool we see her making huge progress. Today she decided to swim in the sea!

The story of the soi dogs is taking shape and Liam is capturing great images so he can build the story into a comic form. Each day we observe the details that will make it all a rich social science resource. The fact that Liam and Becs have been here before has enabled us to get focussed on the story reasonably quickly.

Violet and Becs had their nails painted today. We went back to the same stall where Violet had her hair braided and we were greeted like long lost friends.

In the evening we walked into town to have dinner and to do some shopping. It is not the busy season but there are still many tourists here and the shopkeeper are doing a roaring trade.

Another wonderful day

Another wonderful day
Ao Nang, Thailand
Sunday March 18th 2012

Ao Nang, Thailand

We’ve been rather surprised at the number of tourists who lie on the beach for hours until they are lobster red then gingerly walk back to their resorts – cannot imagine they get any sleep!

Before breakfast Liam and Gray went down to the end of the beach looking for dogs and checking out locations for the story.

After breakfast outdoors Violet and I went onto the beach to collect shells. Whilst Liam, Becs and the kids had their first swim for the day, Gray and I settled down to get the bones of the story done.

We swam in the pool, walked to Swendsens for icecreams, did some shopping and headed back to our rooms for the kids (and adults) to have their sleeps.

Another swim in the pool, then we wandered off to the places where all the braiding, manicures, pedicures and massages happen.

Gray, Violet and I had dinner outdoors in our resort and Liam and Becs went into town to celebrate their anniversary – 4 days late!
We babysat – typing up story sequence and this blog entry.

It’s been another wonderful day.
Bye for now.