Capital City

Capital City
Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington, New Zealand

This morning when we woke we were already in Wellington. A cooler day had been forecast but in fact it turned out to be quite a warm day.

After breakfast we headed into town and were surprised that many shops had not yet opened even though it was 10 o’clock. Te Papa is always a good visit. There was a waka competition on so the waterfront was quite busy.
We were back on board for lunch. I took more photos after mysteriously losing some I took the other day. We also explored more of the ship.
At dinner we discovered that our original table people had moved to another table, so now Bonnie and Vincent from Sydney (originally from Hong Kong) are with us. We gather that our previous partners have moved quite often! We enjoyed the company of Bonnie and Vincent who say that they will stay! If they go we may develop a complex or take more showers.
The concert tonight was Jazz, Blues and Rock’n Roll withe resident dancers and singers. It was very energetic!!

Tomorrow night we are off to have cocktails with the captain along with the other 373 people who got on in Auckland. It will be the first formal dress code night – dinner suits and long dresses!!!