Lots of swimming

Lots of swimming
Ao Nang, Thailand
Saturday March 17th 2012

Ao Nang, Thailand

Breakfast at the resort is really good with tropical fruit salad, cereals, bacon etc etc. Your eggs are cooked the way you want them as you wait.

We went to the pool straight after breakfast when few people were around. Violet is becoming more confident each time she is in the pool. George is a fish!

Liam had gone down to the end of the beach before breakfast to get some photos of the dogs. Fortunately he found a pack – beginning to worry that they were no longer around.
It was so hot when we walked into town for lunch to a cafe Liam and Becs already knew.

Whilst the kids slept after lunch Gray and I did another soi dog reccee. We found 3 in various parts, mostly around the massage stalls. We also noted that there were plates of scraps left for them.

Another swim in the afternoon which was cut short by a thunder storm!

The resort staff had just set tables under the trees ready for their Saturday crowd when the heavens opened. We had planned to eat their tonight, so ended up in the inside dining area. We all had very yummy Thai food!

The kids went to bed and the grandparents babysat whilst Liam and Becs managed a little respite in town.
Off to bed. Being on holiday is quite tiring!