To Market, To Market, To Buy …

To Market, To Market, To Buy …
Auriol, France
22nd September 2011

Auriol, France

Now that we feel we are well and truly ensconced into Auriol//Aubagne way of life, we feel relaxed enough to have a wee giggle every now and then about our escapades. At home we take everyday life so much for granted, so it throws you rather when everyday life makes you go, Oh,OK!
We are doing quite a few, Oh, OKs!

We wanted to go into the market in Aubagne today, but parking is still a HUGE issue for us. We’d heard that inter town and around town buses are free, so decided to get up early, drive into Auriol, when surely there’d be some parks left, hop onto a bus into Aubagne for the market.
You’ve guessed it, no parks to be found, so being ‘ignorant’ tourists we headed for the supermarket and parked in a not so conspicuous park. The bus stop was just down the road, so caught the bus into Aubagne, arriving nice and early to check out what we wanted to buy. Of course cafe noisette before any serious shopping!

We walked around finding some really cute shops and making a few purchases.

We’d planned to have lunch in town, but once we’d bought our provisions from the market we were keen to head home with them. We bought the usual ‘legumes et fruites’ as well as some interesting ham, pork sausages and pork pate from a very friendly stall holder. She offered us tastes before we made our purchases. On the way back to the bus we bought some more goodies from a boulangerie.

We knew that we had to fill the car with diesel when we got back. There is a service station in the supermarket car park. It is nothing like buying petrol at home!!! However, the lady in the pay booth was very helpful.
The car full we headed home to lunch on the goodies we’d just bought.

Surely not buying clothes!

Did some more washing, had a nana nap, did some work for Liam and now we are eating pork pate on crackers before I cook dinner.
Life is so grim!

Tomorrow we are off to Avignon – free bus and then train.

The weather is still bright and warm so we are making the most of it.

Catch you tomorrow!