Exploring Auriol


Auriol, France Monday,
September 19, 2011

Auriol, France

After a good night’s sleep, we got up and breakfasted on bagette, cheese and ham, but no coffee!!!!
There is a filter coffee maker, but there were no beans! No tea bags!

So into town to have coffee. It tasted so good – 24 hours since the last one!

We wandered around the town. It is really quite lovely. We spotted this amazing boulangarie and just had to go in. I’ve not ever been keen on quiche, but this one was so good!

We popped into the supermarche on our way home and stocked up with more provisions. Tonight I’m cooking my pork chop ardenaise that I do at home, but hopefully after we’ve been to some markets, cafes etc, I’ll pick up some new ideas.

After our yummy lunch and a home-made coffee, we headed off to Aubagne to see what it is like as we plan to go to the market tomorrow. we got there OK, but it was bigger than we expected, quite busy traffic and we had no idea where we were allowed to park. We headed back home to rethink some strategies for getting to markets etc etc.

Our washing is dry, so we can sleep in clean jamas tonight – yeh!!

