Tuesday 13th September So this must be Roma!


Tuesday 13th September So this must be Roma!
Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

The trip from Singapore to Frankfurt is best forgotten!

We arrived in Rome yesterday 12th September, feeling exhausted. We waited 45 minutes before our luggage appeared – 10 flights per carousel, so imagine the crowds!! Hopped onto the train to Termini station with several hundreds of others. Temperature – 32 degrees.

Our hotel is absolutely delightful in a quiet street surrounded by excellent eateries. The pescare is to die for! Last night we enjoyed dinner at Mamma Angela’s which is about 20 metres away.

I had a seafood risotto and Gray, a lasagne. I gather I have to work on my version of lasagne if it is to equal what he ate!
Streets are lined with motorbikes – far too many Japanese bikes, but did spot a good old Vespa.

We slept like logs.

After breakfast we headed off on the Metro to the Colosseum – such intrepid travellers. We went in the wrong direction only once!
I was suddenly in my latin class of 1959 as we stepped out onto the road from Colesseo Station – quite overwhelming!

There are still truckloads, actually busloads, of tourists about.

After lunch where we were given a complimentary grappo,

we walked down to the Bocca bella Verita in true Audrey and Gregory style. As you can see Gray passed the test! He still has his hand.

We are loving the coffee and feel insulted when offered Cafe Americana!