
Day minus 50  IconRae


As you can imagine there are times when we are focussed on our upcoming adventure with the family. Master G is convinced he needs a tuxedo and Miss V has worked out that she needs a different long dress for each of the 3 formal nights.

Mummy is looking forward to being pampered in the spa and daddy is keen to check out the planetarium.

However, both parents are now worrying about the children’s table manners. We think they are fine, but understand parental anxiety.

Last night the children came to stay with us. We put on a special dinner where they could practise their ‘cruise ship manners’. It was great fun! We were exhausted though having been chefs, waiters and guests all at the same time. Yes, we had to dress for the occasion too!

I don’t know who are more excited; the children or us, but it is still a long way away.