
Day 20IconRae


No matter how much you plan and prepare before you venture off, there are always surprises. That’s one of the many great things about travelling, revelling in the surprises!

Visiting Montmatre was quite a focus of our visit to Paris; not so much the buildings, but more the people. After taking in the spectacular views of the city, we meandered around the streets intrigued by all the ‘artists’ setting up their easels ready for another day of tourists. We reflected on how this area would have been many years ago when Toulouse Lautrec, Renoir, Picasso and Van Gogh lived and worked here.


In our wanderings we discovered the Dali Exhibition. What a display! Time just flew by as we pondered over the melting clocks and his other works of art.


We acknowledge that many great creative artists were poor, tortured souls. Anyone who has studied art history, which I confess I have not, will probably tear me to shreds, but I kept thinking that Dali’s work was more circumspect. I think that he was pointing out human foibles and frailties. Whatever is the true explanation, this exhibition is not to be missed. We were so glad that we came across it in our wanderings.