Our Covid 19 Staycation

The covid 19 mantra for the past 4 weeks has been:

• Stay Home

• Stay Safe

• Be kind

And generally kiwis have abided by these guidelines even though many of us are itching to get travelling again! However, we are experiencing difficult times where there is a feeling of absolute uncertainty around us all. We have not been here before.

Every day we plan a walk around our little coastal village. At first we automatically walked our usual route, but in this past week we’ve tried to ring in the changes, making us observe new sights.

We may not be socialising anymore, but you cannot remove the evidence of where people have been in happier times.

We wonder when….

the swing in the tree has giggling children clambering on it again

children are leaping off the pontoon into the water

grandad can go fishing again

and the playgrounds have families enjoying picnics by the swings?

So we, the people may be in lockdown, but nature certainly isn’t.

We can still enjoy:

our beautiful, peaceful village;

sparkling water across the bay;

autumn colours appearing in our gardens,

and a feeling of gratitude that we live in a wonderful part of the world!