Cruising to Adelade

Tuesday November 26th 2019

The cases are almost packed and there is definitely an air of anticipation in our house. Last minute tidying, using up the perishables from the cupboards and fridge and checking that passports and other documents for embarkation are at the ready.

Yes, we are off on holiday tomorrow!

For the past few days we have been following the weather forecasts quite closely as we really would prefer a smooth trip across the Tasman to Sydney, our first port of call.

We’ll let you know the outcome once we have arrived.

Bon voyage!!


An Impromptu Getaway!

We had not really thought about a few days in Christchurch, but when our daughter-in-law, who is working there at the moment, suggested we spend a few days at her inner city apartment, we thought, ‘why not?’

Our first impressions were how empty the city was. We actually quite enjoyed the leisurely pace and being able to cross the road so safely! It doesn’t feel like a bustling city. People on the streets and in the restaurants we visited appeared to be mostly tourists!

Of course we set off to see the Square and what is left of the Cathedral. It made us think of how devastating the earthquake had been and just how complicated planning and carrying out the necessary repairs and restoration must be.

Watch the full video on our YouTube Channel

In the 3 days, we walked many kilometres ! We enjoyed a morning in the Botannical Gardens where we did see local people: a book club group of ladies, enjoying their coffees as they extolled the highs and lows of their reading, two mums and their children having a picnic on the grass and many ‘oldies’ like us out for their daily walk. The sun was shining; always a bonus!

We should do these impromptu getaways more often!

Algies Bay

Another interesting settlement in our neighbourhood is Algies Bay; in fact we are fortunate to be surrounded by a variety of beach locations.

It is a little hideaway from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Since it’s winter mow, and the residents have the place to themselves, it is a peaceful, tranquil place. During the summer months, the population does rise as families arrive to enjoy their summer holidays. However, compared to more popular beaches around the country, Algies Bay still retains its tranquil charm even with the influx of summer visitors.

Watch the full video on our YouTube Channel:

Children enjoy the safe shoreline, swimming and boogie boarding. Families can launch their boats either to go fishing or to just to spend an hour or two on the water.

Everything is very neat and tidy here. The recently built playground for the children is well cared for as are the paths and walkways down to the beach.

One gets the impression that the people of Algies Bay are proud of their place.