Great Expectations

Day 6 


It doesn’t take long to realise that Rarotonga is not a ‘foodies’ paradise. Seafood choices are generally really good, but for those who prefer a change from fish, it is not all haute cuisine!

Today was our wedding anniversary, so our eldest son suggested we have dinner at The Tamarind House. It is the only restaurant that advertises its fine dining menu and experience. Other eateries make sure you realise that they offer casual dining.



We arrived at the seafront restaurant with palm trees swaying in the breeze, were ushered to our table by a charming young waiter and presented with the plastic folder menu. The raw oysters were fabulous! Without moaning too much, we can assure you that the food that followed, was the worst we have had on the island. It was so disappointing!

So back at the villa we enjoyed a cup of tea and a Tim Tam! Happy Anniversary darling!

But there was a moment of excitement at lunchtime when we spotted a whale leap from the sea. If you were expecting to see them in the photo, sorry!