To Market, To Market

Day 3



Early every Saturday morning the Punanga Nui Market is open for business and everyone is there! We even bumped into neighbours from home! Brightly smiling stall-holders are laughing with customers and tourists are mooching about whilst local mothers are busily buying food for their families.

Of course there are the usual tourist shirts, carvings and the very popular black pearls which catch the attention of visitors

We, however, are looking for local fruit and veges, so we head down the rows to check out what appeals to us.


Laden up with our big carrier bag, we then head off for a coffee, of course.


Black Rock Beach is across the road and we enjoy walking down the beach in the afternoons. Kids are having fun leaping off the rocks and splashing into the warm sea.


We have noted how happy kids are here. We’ve not heard a crying or temperamental child. Everyone is happy, friendly and helpful.