Rarotanga First Impressions

Day 2

Roosters crowing before daybreak deserve to end up in the pot!!

Despite the early wake up calls, it has been a fabulous day!

As expected, we managed to track down a fabulous coffee shop mid morning. We explored the town and worked out parking for tomorrows market morning. Gray also bought a sim card so that he can use his phone. Our GPS lady is with us here!

After lunch at home on the deck, we wandered across the road to spend some time on the beach. It is coral sand. We were hoping to see whales, but maybe another time. Because the sea becomes deep after only a few metres out, the whales come quite close to shore.


Then back to our Villa: taking care when crossing the road. It is the main road around the country: similar to State Highway 1 or the M1


Dinner tonight was at Kikau Hut – more seafood!

People are commenting how cold it is and it is colder than we expected. We are hoping for some bright, sunny days so we can get some good photos.