Home Again!




We were pleased to be home yesterday afternoon, despite walking into a very cold house. However, it wasn’t long before we were sitting in front of a roaring fire, drinking our tea.

This year as a way of a change we have planned short holiday breaks reasonably close to home instead of the much longer stints we’ve had away in recent years.

Vanuatu is only a 3 hour flight from New Zealand. Of course, Santo, where we spent most of the week is another 1 hour flight. Being so far north it was very warm and comfortable compared to our winter.

This holiday didn’t pan out quite as we had expected and it is interesting that as ‘oldies’ we need to take stock for a moment, before launching off again. I’m sure when we were younger we took on challenges with far more gusto! But nevertheless we had a great time meeting friendly, helpful, smiley people, savouring the beautiful sights as well as the absolutely delicious seafood!


Tata Ale tata Baibai Lukim yu