Crazy Climate

Day 6   IconRae


Leaving Luganville

We are here in Port Vila wearing long trousers, jerseys and shoes. Odd, I agree, but it is really quite cold. The heavens opened as we landed. We’d left Luganville with the usual summery feeling of Vanuatu. But now in Port Vila It feels as if we’d landed in another country. The thunder rolled all around us as we drove into town in our taxi. It was a tropical storm! It was at its peak as we stepped out of the taxi into our resort.


Gray got absolutely drenched as he dragged our luggage to reception. Staff at the resort rushed about with beach towels trying to dry him down. As soon as our room was ready he had a nice hot shower and changed into his winter travelling clothes. I’ve also put on a jersey. The Ni Vanuatu are wrapped in scarves and wearing thick woolly clothing. It does seem weird!

We didn’t fancy heading back into town to do our family present shopping, so we chose to shop in the resort shop instead. We figure that strange gifts are better then arriving home empty handed??


By 3pm the rain had stopped but the tropical plants still drip with moisture and you have to dodge the puddles on the pathways. And by 4pm the rain was pouring down again!

We are catching up on news after a week of no tv, limited internet and being in ‘Island mode’. You can very easily slip away from reality when on holiday.

Because we have a very early departure a ‘simple’ breakfast was delivered to our room.
