Aore Island

Day 1





We are not counting yesterday as day one. Travel days are not always fun and yesterday was no exception.


We arrived at our destination 4 hours later than expected, tired and frazzled. As soon as we settled into bed the heavens opened! The rain poured down for hours!


This morning it is fine again and the lush vegetation around our bungalow is magnificent. We’ve chosen a self catering bungalow attached to the owner’s home and because of the dramas of yesterday we only managed to buy a few provisions from a service station in Luganville. However, if it has to be baked beans on toast for breakfast you may as well have stunning views across the bay!


Lunch was a short walk away at the island resort. Very nice to sit looking out on the water again.

Siesta this afternoon trying desperately to catch up on some sleep, so that we feel more human and ready to explore our new place.


We set off for dinner rather early as the thought of walking there and back – about 1km each way down a jungle path in the dark was too daunting to contemplate. After a fabulous dinner we headed off in the pitch black with the torch our host had given us. It was designed to blind the carrier and shed no light on the road ahead. Gray, being resourceful resorted to his cell phone which was far more practical and here we are home. Day 1, a little different than we’d imagined
