Aore Island Getaway

Day  minus 42  IconRae


In 6 weeks time we plan to be basking in the warmth of a Vanuatu island!

As I write, the winds are thrashing about us and according to Gray we received 50mm of rain overnight. In other words it is quite bleak!

It’s definitely time to be heading north to a Pacific Island!


Many years ago we enjoyed holidays on the island of Erakor in the harbour of Port Vila. We loved the pace of life, the excellent food, (still remember the Coconut Crab) and pottering about in outriggers on the water. Our lives were much more pressured by careers then, so to pop up to Vanuatu was wonderful respite from our usual hustle and bustle.


For this visit we are heading to the northern island of Santo – Espiritu Santo. Just off Luganville, the main town of Santo, is Aore Island. There are a few resorts there but we have chosen to stay on a coffee plantation in a self- contained bungalow. Resorts are great when we holiday with the extended family, but when it’s just the two of us we prefer more solitude and independence.


So holiday planning mode is now underway!