Sea Day

Day 9  IconRae



This is our last sea day as we head to our final port. At long last the weather is calm and warm; the sort of weather we had expected for the whole trip, but in fact it has been quite chilly at times. Since we live so far north, in this Southern Hemisphere country, we tend to forget that the further down the country you go, the cooler it can get.

It is lovely to get out on the decks, whether to read or stride about. The children really enjoy being able to try the various deck sports.

During the afternoon we check out the menu for our restaurant. When Miss V spots lobster tails, it is decided that it is a restaurant dinner tonight!


Master G has also spotted a book about a bear and a QM2 voyage in the Book Shop, so of course that has to be purchased.

Tonight is our last formal night. After this our formal attire will be packed away, ready for the next cruise!