Milford Sound

Day 5  IconGray




Queen Mary 2 entered Milford Sound, in the south west corner of New Zealand, at 7am. From the vigour of the Tasman Sea, suddenly we were sailing serenely in calm, still waters as we progressed, slowly up this beautiful Sound. The land seemed to drop into the water almost perpendicularly, and, as QM2 progressed into the sound she seemed to be almost touching the sides. Most guests were on deck to gaze at the wonderful sight of wild, untouched land surrounding deep, blue waters. No houses or roads here. Completely untouched. Breathtaking.

Milford3  Milford5

At the head of the sound, Queen Mary 2 turned through 180 degrees to face out towards the ocean again. Some very clever navigation and control here. This was definitely an experience for The List.

Then we were back in the ocean again and it was fascinating to see how little of the entrance to the sounds would have been obvious to the ancient sailors who discovered this place.


And so on to Doubtful Sound and then Dusky Sound before setting course for our next port of call: Dunedin


2 thoughts on “Milford Sound

  1. Looks amazing and it is on our itinerary for next January. Cannot wait.

  2. Looks beautiful….have a wonderful time xxx

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