Intrepid in Tahiti

Day 66  IconRae


Two days ago we had unsuccessfully tried to find a cup of coffee in Nuku Hiva. Heading off in the early morning sunshine we knew that today we’d have success. Without any conversation (too busy imagining the coffee) we headed straight to Café Retro, a sports bar that serves the most delicious coffee.

It was worth waiting for!


Now we were ready for anything! We headed to the bus stop and boarded a bus to Paea, an outer suburb we’d stayed in a few years earlier. We were the only ‘foreigners’ on board. I was quite sure I knew where to get off and after what seemed ages on the bus, I decided this was the place. However, once off we looked around and nothing seemed familiar. Gray asked a chap selling water melons how far was it to the museum as this was near where we wanted to be, “Only another kilometre”, he replied.

By now the sun was high and beating down on us as we set off. It was quite a trek to reach our destination, much more than one kilometre, but the cool freshly squeezed orange juice in a café refreshed our spirits.

We pottered about, enjoying seeing familiar shops. It was about midday by now and we had decided to have lunch at Patachoux in the city.

We crossed the road to catch a bus back into town. We waited and waited in the midday heat before finally one turned up and we headed back.

More than our 10,000 steps today, we think!!



Day 60  IconRae


As we head off for a nightcap and a little classical concert by the resident duo, after watching tonight’s show, we comment on how great the evening entertainment has been so far.


On many cruise ships there are elegant theatres with grand stages on which they create wonderful sets and orchestra pits to accommodate the musicians. But on the Astor the lounge where shows are performed is far from ideal for the singers, dancers and musicians. They manage so well! There is no feeling that the dance routines are inhibited by the lack of space. The shows are produced so well that we forget that it is really a lounge, not a theatre.

And because the same passengers are on for the full duration of the voyage, the performers put on a new show every night. There are no repeats.

The enthusiasm and dedication of the entertainment team is to be admired.

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