
Day 50  IconRae



Now we know it’s not nice to make fun of people. It’s unkind and can be hurtful, but there are some occasions when we are presented with golden opportunities to ‘take the Micky’.

We had spent the day passing through the Panama Canal, (another story) when the ship came to a stop. We looked out to see a circle of ships in the lake all bunkering. We had learned that fuel is cheaper there.

Wandering into the dining room that evening there was a group muttering and complaining that the ship had stopped.

“ I paid good money for this trip and I’m entitled to know what’s going on. If we’ve broken down they should tell us!” complained the loudest voice.

The conversation carried on quite loudly in this vein for some minutes and as we approached the dining room, the ‘loud voice’ turned back to us and said, “Have you any idea what’s going on?”

“ Bunkering by the look of things”, I replied, knowing full well he didn’t have a clue what I was talking about.

In silence we entered the dining room, glad that they were seated well away from us.