Provence Revisited

Day 14IconRae


When we were younger we were quite scornful of folk who holidayed in the same place year after year – where were their imaginations? However, we now enjoy revisiting happy holiday locations. We particularly enjoy being in Provence, either in small towns or little villages.


We love buying fresh produce from markets and learning how to prepare traditional Provençal fare from enthusiastic stall- holders. We salivate at the sight of local cheeses, prepared meats and freshly harvested fruits and vegetables. Local eateries and the local wines are also greatly appreciated.


Being immersed in the culture of a place, travelling on their public transport and observing the people all adds to the richness of the experience. We find that our efforts of speaking French are appreciated so we consciously try to avoid speaking English when we are out and about. It is surprising how much our French improves!
