Coffee in Parrano

Days 6 and 7IconRae


Our early morning coffee is very important for our wellbeing; essential in fact. Our apartment did have a stove- top coffee pot which neither of us fancied using, so we asked Gray’s brother where in the village we could get coffee.


We walked out of our door, passed 3 houses and there it was! We ordered one espresso and one macchiato and sat down. We’d observed that you didn’t pay until you left the café. It was absolutely delectable – we were in Italy, after all! Maybe, we needed another just to make sure it was as good as we first thought. Oh yes, it was!

This early morning ritual put a spring in our step and we were ready to face the day!



A Day in Mainz

Day 4IconRae


We first visited Mainz a few years back. We were on our way to a conference and used Mainz as a stopover.


I found a really good shoe shop, so bought a pair of Rieker shoes – a fraction of the price they would have been in NZ. Naturally, I wanted to visit the same shop this time. Isn’t it curious that we don’t for a moment contemplate that places may have changed in the ensuing years. Our memories are so strong that we don’t consider that shops come and go.

We pounded the pavements for quite some time before I accepted defeat. There were to be no new shoes today. However, we did enjoy the market, the Dom and a café that we had visited during the first visit.


The sun shone brightly as we walked along the riverbank. Knowing that there were to be no more long haul flights on this trip, added to our sense of contentment!