Bora Bora

Bora Bora
Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Friday March 1st, 2013

Bora Bora, French Polynesia

It’s good to be back in the land of the living! We woke this morning, anchored in the bay off the port of BoraBora.

Unfortunately it has been overcast with rain showers throughout the whole day. Nevertheless we headed ashore mid morning, mooched about a bit, bought some fruit and drinks to bring aboard and headed back to the ship. Gray lugged his heavy camera bag with him, but the light was really poor, so he didn’t take any photos. I snapped a few just to prove we were here.

We finished lunch at 2pm, headed to the library to change books, then into the cafe for hot chocolates. The day to day stress is killing us!
The cases of norovirus are still increasing, so as you can imagine it is quite a concern. A lot of the dining room staff are now ill, so those still on deck are working 14 hour shifts!

Dinner tonight was very yummy – duck liver parfait followed by duck breast in a tamarind sauce. Gray, of course, then had a sticky rich dessert.

We have just returned from a great jazz concert under the stars in the Garden Lounge up on Deck 9. We were saying how much we are enjoying live music. The musicians are all very good!