
Papeete, French Polynesia
Thursday February 28th 2013

Papeete, French Polynesia

(By Gray) Of all the bad luck. Having survived the rough weather when heaps of people got seasick, Rae succumbed last night – in weather that was abating and seas that were a fraction of what we’ve had previously. No violent being sick, but that ‘I want to go to bed and shut down for a bit’ feeling. We had the doc check her out – he confirmed seasickness and prescribed light fluids and rest. So no dinner last night. This morning she was definitely on the mend, but not yet in any state to go exploring tropical towns by foot. So she’s stayed on the bed all day. Very sensible – but also very disappointing for her as Papeete is a favourite place of ours. Since she wanted drinks and cottons that we haven’t found on board, I dashed out to try to get them. We had planned to try Skyping from here – the ship’s satellite connection won’t cope apparently. However getting a connection proved a bit of a problem so I dashed back. Looks like we’re stuck with ship’s internet to the end. So, we won’t put up many pictures now. We’re taking them and will add them when we get home.
Papeete doesn’t seem to have changed much since we were here 5 years ago. Not as much development as had previously been the case – maybe feeling France’s economic problems? It’s definitely nice and warm. The boat is kept well air conditioned – (thoroughly refrigerated) so stepping outside was a bit of a shock. Something you can quickly get used to however.
Since we are taking on fuel through a 6 inch pipe, we’re not leaving until 10 o’clock tonight. We’ll probably have dinner on board and then go to ‘Music Under The Stars’ on the Lido deck aft.
Tomorrow is Bora Bora. Rae is already lots better so we’re hoping to get ashore tomorrow. Just real bad luck that of all the days to spend feeling crook, this was the one. C’est la vie – just a pain when La Vie does it to you!!
So, nice giving you an update – tomorrow it should be Official Scribe Rae again. :))