At Sea

At Sea
International Date Line, International
Sunday February 24th 2013

International Date Line, International

Today we feel that we are on holiday now that we have left New Zealand.

The laundrette for our deck is across the hall from our room and this morning it was the busiest part of our deck as everyone washed and ironed. At one stage when I popped in to collect my things out of a drier, there was another passenger carefully folding my clothes!

After our morning coffee we went to a talk on Impressionist painters. It was actually a sales pitch from the gallery people but nevertheless it was quite interesting. The artist they were promoting was Sheree Valentine Daines. Her paintings are being sold for a mere $30,000.

Lunch was a bit ho-hum, so we assumed that the chef was on a break.
However, the dining room was abuzz during dinner – everyone in formal dress. My dinner was wonderful. I chose the chef’s selection.
We rushed from dinner to the Captain’s cocktail party and enjoyed the free bubbles – not much is free here!
We called into the Cunard Ball for a short time before crawling off to bed.

Tahiti is now 4 days away!