Happy Birthday Grandad

Happy Birthday Grandad
Phuket, Thailand
Tuesday March 27th 2012

Phuket, Thailand

We slept in, so rushed off to breakfast. When we got back, we babysat George, so Liam, Rebecca and Violet could go down to breakfast too. Violet is much brighter.

We all headed to the mainland to do some more shopping. We still cannot find silk.

We celebrated Gray’s birthday with pizza and chips for lunch!

At one stage the wait staff took George off to play.
We had quite a long wait for the tuktuk after we got off the ferry, so by the time we were back a the resort we blobbed out until dinner which was room service again at Liam and Rebecca’s.
With the kids safely tucked up in bed we headed back home before the heavens open again.
Maybe no spa tonight – rumbling thunder wouldn’t add to the ambience!