Another Hot Day!

Another Hot Day!
Phuket, Thailand
Saturday March 25th 2012

Phuket, Thailand

We breakfasted on our own today as the others are not feeling too well.

Before it got too hot, we ventured up the beach to explore a little and to take some photos.

Hopped on the ferry to the mainland and bought a hat and had coffee at the seafood restaurant we went to a few nights ago.

As with most days we stayed in our suite during the heat of the day. We kept in Skype contact with Liam, making sure that they were OK. Violet is quite unwell and Liam is pretty seedy too.

We’ve just got back from dinner under the stars. There were not many people in either restaurant as lots seemed to be checking out today.

Now it’s time for a spa – best taken after writing up the blog. Far too relaxed afterwards!