Goodbye Ao-Nang, Hello Phuket

Goodbye Ao-Nang, Hello Phuket
Phuket, Thailand
Wednesday March 21st 2012

Phuket, Thailand

Traveling during the heat of the day is never great!
We were collected at our resort by ‘van’ (open air truck), plus other passengers and all the luggage stacked on top, to go to the ferry terminal. I was privileged to travel in the cab with the driver. It was a little perplexing when doing up my seat belt, I spotted a pistol in a holster!

The ferry trip was 2 hours and Violet and George slept a good part of it.

It was stinking hot when we got off to wait for our van to the Coconut Island Village ferry. Finally a van turned up and we headed off. By this time George was really over heating and as Violet put, “cracking it”! The poor chap!
At the ferry we managed to get on with all our luggage and were at the resort in a few minutes. The resort has that Hollywood look – just don’t look too deeply.

Liam, Becs and the kids are in a 2 bedroomed villa and we are in a suite, a few hundred metres away through a tropical garden. After a few issues with phones and air-con we are all settled in.

The cocktails during half price happy hour were very yummy. Service in the restaurant was rather lacking, but we all got fed and the food was pretty good.
Tired travelers heading to bed.