Another Blue Dome Day


Another Blue Dome Day
Aigues-Mortes, France
Tuesday October 4th 2011

Aigues-Mortes, France

If it rained every day from now on we’d feel that we have been quite lucky with the weather. The weather has just been glorious with temperatures in the late 20s day after day – very much great holiday weather.

This morning Gray and I headed off to Aigues-Morte, a fascinating place nearby. After successfully finding a good park, we walked into town, had coffees then went into the walled town which was nothing like what we had expected!!!

We imagined it would be empty, but people actually live here and the tourism industry is thriving!

We hopped onto the little train and although the commentary was in French, we were given an English translation, so were able to understand some of the history.

The ramparts were begun in 1245 and took many years to build. They are 6 metres wide at the bottom – they must have had strong horses back then if they thought they could ram a building that thick!!!

We ate lunch in the shade and headed back home.

We slothed out for a while, went to the supermarket, found a fabulous hardware/kitchen shop where that had really nice things, including Le Creuset ware.

A candle-lit dinner at home tonight.


Out On The Ocean Waves …


Out On The Ocean Waves …
La Grande-Motte, France
Monday October 3rd

La Grande-Motte, France

We slept really well!

After breakfast we headed out for a coffee, then to the Wifi place to check emails etc

We decided to have lunch at home, then in the afternoon we took a boat trip to Port Camargue and Le Grau-du Roi. It was another hot, sunny day, but we were able to keep out of the sun but still enjoy the views.

Chris, I checked out the Real Estate. What do you think?

I figure that Brian could be kept busy with boat maintenance; just need to find work for Gray!!!
Sorry there are no garages, just space for the boat!!

Walking back home, we chose where we’d eat and later enjoyed a lovely meal altogether.

We thought of you today, Graeme and Robin. We hope that you had a very happy anniversary.

Bon nuit!


A Blobby Day


A Blobby Day
La Grande-Motte, France
Sunday October 2nd 2011

La Grande-Motte, France

No sleep last night. The flat is lovely and so is the bed, so no excuses really.
Dawn had planned for us to join her friends for lunch, but because we felt so tired, we declined the invitation and had a very quiet morning at home.
We did pop out to the market for a short while. There were so many people buying and the stall holders were in full flight with their sales banter.

Luckily Dawn had filled the fridge so we tucked into lunch, had a short nap then headed out again to wander about. It is still very hot. Whilst out we tried the free Wifi outside the tourism office.

Had a marvellous dinner out having chosen a place earlier, only to discover it was closed at 7pm. Many places are open during the day, but not the evening. Dawn headed out to join us, but because we were not where we said we would be, she missed us.

However, we had a big catch up when we got in.

And hopefully a good nights sleep!


Allons a La Grande-Motte


Allons a La Grande-Motte
La Grande-Motte, France
Sunday October 2nd 2011

La Grande-Motte, France

It was another blue dome day as we drove out of Auriol on our way to La Grande Motte, Languedoc.

The trip went pretty smoothly until we came across stopped cars around a bend on a motorway. Fortunately we stopped and no-one piled into us. We crawled along for simply ages until we came across the cause – a shocking accident.

We arrived at the apartment at lunchtime. It is great to see Dawn again.

After a large lunch, we chatted until the early evening when we went for a walk around the town, enjoying the atmosphere of families and friends in cafes and on the beach. We stopped for a drink before heading back to the apartment.

Heaps more chat, then off to bed.
Bon nuit!