We Love Berlin!

We Love Berlin!
Berlin, Germany
Thursday October 13th 2011

Berlin, Germany

Xandra and Sebastian collected us for breakfast. What a feast!!

They planned an amazing day for us. In other cities I’ve found interesting buildings etc to photograph, but today our city experience was so much richer. These 2 East Berliners had so many tales to tell about when the wall came down and all the renovations that have happened and new constructions that are now in progress.

We were very spoiled all day.

The population of NZ is in Berlin, yet there are still wide open spaces and many trees. It is bustling and vibrant and we just loved it.

We had the Berlin equivalent of Fish and chips for lunch – Curry Worst. Very good! Not like our curried sausages at all as the curry sauce has quite a tomato taste.

We were dropped off at the airport, checked our luggage through to Auckland and braced our selves for the long haul home.

So it’s auf wiederseh from us or should it be Tschüss

What a holiday it has been!!!
We will treasure many memories for a log, long time.