

Geneva, Switzerland
Saturday October 8th 2011

Geneva, Switzerland

It’s hard to believe that we were wearing summer clothes up till yesterday and now it is cold.
At Marseille station this morning everyone was in winter woollies.

We’d seen on the news last night that there were strikes etc with train workers, but normal services began today. We had reserved seats to Lyons, but from Lyons to Geneva we had to scramble for seats and everyone had luggage. We ended up sitting on pull own seats with everyone’s luggage around us. Fortunately it was only 2 hours.
The countryside was considerably greener than we’ve seen over the last 4 weeks.

It was raining as we arrived in Geneva, but our hotel is virtually across the road – an amazing improvement on last night!!

We’ve been out to have a little look-see, collected a map from the tourism office and planning a little boat trip on the lake in the morning – weather permitting.

We leave for Innsbruck at midday.