From the Sublime to…………………..


From the Sublime to…………………..
Marseille, France
Friday October 7th 2011

Marseille, France

This morning was spent with last minute washing at the Lavarie, having coffees and buying lunch from the bakery.
At lunchtime we headed off to Marseille to deliver the car and stay the night. The drive/delivery went pretty smoothly. We even found a petrol station to fill the car, after the station we’d programmed into the GPS, no longer exists!!

Then we headed off on the Metro to our hotel.

Now, as you know we’ve been living it up on the French Riveriera, so imagine how we felt as we walked into Fawlty Towers, Marseille style!

First, it is in the not so elite part of town.
Second, our credit cards did not work on their machine, so we pay cash.
Third, we are on the third floor and there are no lifts.
Fourth, we have a bed, a shower and a handbasin, but where is the loo? Oh goody, we share one with all the guests on our floor. (The place is full. Backpackers, mostly)

However, when Gray was out getting more cash from a hole in the wall, he spotted some possible restaurants. We had a super dinner, yummy and cheap.
And we slept really well!

I announced that when we went down to breakfast in the morning, we’d take our luggage as there was no way I was going up and down again unnecessarily!