Another Blue Dome Day


Another Blue Dome Day
Aigues-Mortes, France
Tuesday October 4th 2011

Aigues-Mortes, France

If it rained every day from now on we’d feel that we have been quite lucky with the weather. The weather has just been glorious with temperatures in the late 20s day after day – very much great holiday weather.

This morning Gray and I headed off to Aigues-Morte, a fascinating place nearby. After successfully finding a good park, we walked into town, had coffees then went into the walled town which was nothing like what we had expected!!!

We imagined it would be empty, but people actually live here and the tourism industry is thriving!

We hopped onto the little train and although the commentary was in French, we were given an English translation, so were able to understand some of the history.

The ramparts were begun in 1245 and took many years to build. They are 6 metres wide at the bottom – they must have had strong horses back then if they thought they could ram a building that thick!!!

We ate lunch in the shade and headed back home.

We slothed out for a while, went to the supermarket, found a fabulous hardware/kitchen shop where that had really nice things, including Le Creuset ware.

A candle-lit dinner at home tonight.