Last Post from Auriol


Last Post from Auriol
Auriol, France
Friday September 30th 2011

Auriol, France

It’s hard to believe that two weeks have gone by since we arrived in Provence! What an experience it has been. It has dispelled some previously held myths re – the people, food… We will cherish our memories for a very long time.

After a coffee and some hard work in town we’ve headed back for lunch – purchased from the boulangerie, of course.

This afternoon, after the washing has dried, we’ll begin packing.

Tomorrow morning we head off to La Grande Motte, in Languedoc, to stay in Dawn and Mandy’s apartment. We haven’t seen Dawn since we were in England in 2002, so we are excited to catch up with her again.

We may find it a little difficult to work on the net there, so blogs may not appear as regularly as they have in the past.

So it’s au revoir Auriol!