Finding WiFi


Finding WiFi
Auriol, France
Sunday September 25th 2011

Auriol, France

The countryside is very dry and dusty so when we awoke to rain this morning we were not upset. We’d planned to drive to Trets for a photo day. When we first started talking about our 2 weeks in Provence, we discovered this medieval village called Trets, that really appealed to us. However, we were unable to find any cottages for rent so expanded our search out a little further thus ending up in Auriol.
With the poor weather and light, we thought we’d head into Aubagne and try to find some wifi, so I could download some apps onto my iPad.
First Rae, remember the iPad!!!

Oh well, another day!

There was a huge market in Aubagne, so we wandered around, buying some more yummy ham from Josy. The lady at the information centre was really helpful re- the wifi places. She didn’t speak a word of English. Gray speaks French like a native and I’m amazed how much I am understanding.

We found a little cafe for lunch. My salmon salad was lovely, Gray’s chicken and chips significantly less impressive.

Whilst we were eating we could hear a parade with a band approaching. They are celebrating the feast of St John and I gather have been doing so for the past 80 years. There were not many of them, parading but it was different from eating lunch on a Sunday in a cafe in Hamilton or Cambridge.

Since we’ve been home Gray has been trying to work out train timetables as we are quite keen to head back to Marseille for a really good look round, out of the railway station!

So hopefully Trets tomorrow and Marseille, Tuesday.