So Where Is Marseille?


So Where Is Marseille?
Auriol, France

Auriol, France

Last night we headed into Auriol for dinner at Auberge Provencal. We found a park nearby and headed for the cafe. People were drinking wine and coffee at tables across the road and some were inside. We sat down outside, ordered our dinner from the waitress only to find that the kitchen was closed and just the bar was operating. She suggested another place over the bridge where her friend works. I finished my wine and we wandered to the next place.
Gray had beouf entrecote and I had l’agneau. To the non-appreciative we had very ordinary steak and lamb chops, but the meals were far from ordinary – tres yummy!!

We set off to Aubagne this morning, parked in a carpark building (well done, that man!) and caught a train to Marseille. We needed to reserve our tickets to Geneva, Innsbruck and Vienna and we also wanted to know where we had to return our car before heading out of the country.

Aubagne station

At Aubagne I tried cafe noisette, as Sime had suggested – oh yes!!!

We arrived at the station in Marseille at midday, looked at the queues for booking tickets and headed off to find a cafe for lunch. We had planned to have lunch down at the old port, but we couldn’t find it. Our map wasn’t as detailed as we needed.

We found a little cafe that specialised in sandwiches chaud, so we ordered jambon, tomate et chevre fromage. They were made from a shortish bagette, split, fillings added, then flattened and toasted in a panini maker – so yum!


We wandered back to the station, joined a very long queue to book our tickets. Finally at 2pm we walked out of the station and spotted the Europecar place.

We ran to catch the 2.35 train back to Aubagne. On the way back Gray said, I wonder if we could have booked our tickets from Aubagne!!!! BUT we really did need to find the car place. All trip advisory people say, “DON’T drive in Marseille!”

So what was Marseille like? We haven’t a clue, but the Gare St Charles is very big and busy!!

Tonight, we are eating in and hope to be up early in the morning to make it to the market at Aubagne to fill up on fresh produce and to soak up the atmosphere of the market itself.

It is still quite warm; more comfortable than in Italy where the temperatures were in the 30s everyday. People are very courteous and friendly and encourage our clumsy francais.

I guess my lit. team are ensconced in meetings at the moment – I do think of you!

A Bientot

Platform 2 to Marseille