Auriol, Here We Come

Auriol, France
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Auriol, France

Leaving Nice had a few hairy moments – driving a manual car on the wrong side of the road in the rain was quite a challenge for Gray.

However, once we were on the motorway, the nerves calmed a little and we bounced along quite nicely until getting off at the Auriol turn off. The lady at the pay station was very understanding – it pays to learn how to apologise profusely in the native tongue!!

As we approached Auriol, the silly GPS lady sent us off onto mountain goat tracks to get to the town centre. Fortunately we had spotted a supermarche and had bought some ‘existence’ provisions for the day and that night before heading into the wilderness.
Finally we arrived in Auriol having woven our way down narrow, and I mean really narrow, back streets.

We then headed off to Patrick and Dominique’s place (they own the cottage). Oh dear! that silly lady once more contradicted our instincts and Patrick’s map wasn’t much help. Finally, I suggested a slightly different way, not going behind the shrine in the middle of the road, but from what I recalled from our look-see on Google Earth. As luck would have it we reached the house in a few moments.

Patrick showed us around our wee house. I left most of the communicating to Gray. I was most impressed as he rattled away in French!!!

We settled in. Had lunch. Did loads of washing (by hand!)

It is so nice to have unpacked and not have to live out of our suitcases for a few weeks. And our little house is gorgeous!

Bon soir!