Fashions in Firenze


Florence, Italy
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Florence, Italy

Despite being on a busy road, our room is very quiet. Unfortunately neither of us slept well – too much sun yesterday?

Straight after breakfast we headed off to the San Lorenzo market to start the shopping frenzy. It was cool and not too many people around. Some people are easier to buy for than others, so it didn’t take too long before the Euros were flowing out of his wallet!!
When we were looking for one of the less easy to shop for (yes, you Mr Design Guy) we happened upon this large shop of leather jackets and coats. The guy tried to coax us in, but we said we didn’t want jackets or coats. As we walked away he offered us 100% off!
We popped into the fruit market which smelled so good – ripe, fresh fruit! Bought some bits and headed back.

When we were about to pass the man and his jackets, Gray reminded him that he’d offered us 100% off and we’d come back to choose!! You can imagine the banter that followed as well as the RWC.
I tried on a coat and on hearing the price, promptly hung it up again. A few minutes later we are walking out his shop with the coat. Now how did that happen?
Mind you, it is absolutely gorgeous!!! Wearing it to the concert in Vienna!!
Isn’t my man lovely?

After a pause away from the heat we were off again soon to do some more shopping. We knew where the shop was, thanks to Google earth!!!

Shopping over for today,(loved the ‘posh’ shops) we rested until wandering out to dinner. This time we shared a pescare and only ordered primi pasta courses – much more our size. The Toscan chianti is very good!
It now feels like bedtime as we have to be up early to do our Cinque Terre trip tomorrow.

Ciao till next time!