.. With A View”


Florence, Tuscany, Italy
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Florence, Italy


We arrived in Florence at 1.30pm after traveling on a provincial train that made many stops. The countryside became more interesting as we headed north, with market gardens, olive trees etc. It is reasonably green even though it is the end of summer.

It was so hot – another 32 degree day – so we didn’t venture far after we checked into our hotel. “The first time in Florence you must have a room with a view.”

Not sure what to make of the cherubs above the bed!

Another fabulous dinner, this time at a pizzeria a few metres away. We had tomato soup that was fullbodied and had fresh bread crushed into it. That doesn’t sound very appetising, but it was absolutely delicious. We both ordered pizza and didn’t pick up on the waitress’ query that we wanted one each. They were huge, cooked in an oven in front of customers.
Guess who is having cold pizza for lunch when we head out shopping tomorrow?
Yes, tomorrow is shopping day. Now who is the ‘first’ grand daughter?

Roma Termini – Off to Firenze


Room with a view