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Coral Princess

We are on board! It almost seems surreal that we are on board a ship again, but after much trepidation in the planning, it seems, on day one, that it was a great decision to make.

Of course this little voyage, Auckland to Auckland, via Brisbane, South Island NZ, is not purely for pleasure. It is research! The fact that we are enjoying ourselves is merely a bonus.

We had originally planned our ‘final’ trip to Europe in 2022, but that was all cancelled thanks to Covid and its devastating effect on the world. Our plans took a 2 year break, but they are back on once again.

We both dislike long haul flights, so agreed that if we could find sea voyages to and from England within a 6 month time frame, we would consider this one last trip. Finding a sea voyage to England from NZ or Australia is the easy bit; in fact we even had choices. Should we choose Cunard’s Queen Mary 2, our favourite ship, or try Queen Victoria which for us had a route of many unknown destinations. Queen Victoria won!

Now to find a trip home no later than July 2024. We need time in England, France and Sweden.

Whilst we were in Tahiti earlier in the year, we spotted a cruise ship in port. We checked out that it had left Vancouver and was heading to Australia. After a little more checking we discovered that there is a ship leaving Dover at the end of June and arriving in Auckland mid August! Perfect timing, but it was about to get better when we looked at the route home – Arctic Circle, New York, Easter Island and Tahiti sang to us.

But, it wasn’t our usual cruise line. It was one we have tried before and were left really disappointed! Hence the need for a ‘research’ trip. We are on Coral Princess, the ship that could bring us home in 2024.

We are still on board so that must be a good thing! Or we have no choice because we are in the middle of the Tasman, 2 days away from any land.
We are in fact enjoying this arduous research task!

Sorting out the morning coffee ritual is still work in progress. There are 2 ‘real’ coffee places and we have checked both. They are OK.
There are many families on board enjoying their summer holidays. Seeing these family groups makes us remember our Queen Mary 2 trip with family. Happy memories!

First Port of Call

We had not intended going ashore at Brisbane, but in the end had no choice. Most passengers disembarked here with only a few of us who embarked in Auckland staying on board. Australia Border Force insisted that in order to clear customs, we had to pack all our possessions and leave our cases outside our cabins the night before arrival. Packing at the end of a voyage is one thing, but packing knowing the clothes still have to look presentable again, is another!
We were to leave the ship for possibly 5 hours whilst it was inspected.

As you can imagine there was much muttering about the stupidity of this inconvenience. We are certain that once we had found our luggage in the ‘shed’ and dragged it to the appropriate checkpoint, nothing happened to it until it was returned to our cabin a few hours later – not an X-ray machine in sight!

However, moaning aside we had a lovely day. Princess put on a shuttle to a local shopping centre and I had fun! We shopped and shopped – the bargains were that good!

Much happier passengers returned to the ship to unpack once more.

The DFO Experience

We really are country bumpkins! With great excitement we boarded the shuttle bus heading to the DFO shopping plaza. We were wide eyed to see eager buyers heading into the stores with empty supermarket trollies. Within a very short time, the same trollies were stacked high with purchases; mostly clothing and suitcases. Everyone was after a bargain!
Little girls were skipping about choosing new clothes. Grizzling little boys were not impressed with shopping.
If a shopping trip had been advertised as an excursion, we probably wouldn’t have considered it, but I’m so glad we took up the offer of this trip. Most satisfactory!

Movies Under the Stars

This ship has a huge movie screen on the upper deck. Often the choice of movies on a ship, doesn’t appeal to us but last night was the exception.
We lay back on deckchairs, snuggled under tartan rugs, to watch Bohemian Rhapsody. We loved it!
A great end to a busy day.


Meals play big part on any cruise.
If I was asked to say in one word what the meals are like on board, I’d have to say, variable. Some are tasty and delicious, but unfortunately the majority are pretty ho-hum. However, we have realised that if you ask the waiter for his recommendation, you can be certain of a lovely meal.

Generally we avoid ordering steak on board any ship, but both times I’ve ordered grilled steak on this trip, the meat has been succulent and delicious.

There are also some surprises. When ordering tempura, one thinks of food in Japan or even our Wow Sushi at home. Tempura on this ship means sushi wrapped in breadcrumbs! Tasty, but not quite what was expected. It does us no harm to be surprised.


Shows and recitals on board are really important to us. Living in a small town means that we look forward to live entertainment when we are at sea.
The first night was very energetic at the cost of any musicality – but of course we are old fogies and what would we know.

We listen to a Jazz group before dinner whenever they are on and really enjoy them. The comfy chairs and a tipple or two adds to the ambience! In other bars there are music duos and groups playing some of which we enjoy more than others.

We have come to the conclusion that the resident entertainers are generally better than the ones on board for a few days.

Ports of Call

As we have visited/know many of the ports of call, we are not much interested in the organised tours. However, we do have family in some places. The day in Christchurch we had
a very rushed visit with a nephew we hadn’t seen in 8 years.

This morning, in Wellington, we had coffee with our first grandchild we hadn’t seen in 3 years. It was energising to share her humour and hear her news.
Tomorrow we were to meet up with a niece, but our route has been altered to avoid the bad weather and heavy seas. A shame, but perfectly understandable. We have been dodging a nasty weather system since leaving Brisbane.

Off to Tahiti

5 October 2022

We’ve been here a couple of days now and are getting the hang of this ‘Holidaying’ lark again. It’s hard work but someone has to do it. Patachou for coffee and a wander around Papeete. See there are shoe sales Becs? You need to be here!

12th October 2022

Wednesday – Half Day Closing.
On Sunday everything is closed all day. On Saturday most places are closed half a day – and also on Wednesday, everything comes to a halt at lunchtime. (That seems to be from 11am for schools!)
In fact ‘closed’ days at the park are really cool. At lunchtime there are lots of families picnicking and enjoying fun times. After lunch it seems to be more teens enjoying a cool time. It’s also another day when canoes are out practicing in the harbour.

13 October 2022

Then there’s Stone Grill. Your steak arrives raw – on a wooden platter with a hot stone on it. Really hot. The steak is prepared and seasoned: all you have to do is turn it over ‘barbecue-style’ and eat it cooked Just the Way You Like It. It’s a very large meal but delicious so it’s hard to leave too much.

Tahitian Restaurants have an ambiance – an atmosphere – just they’re really nice places to enjoy a meal. Staff are lovely, the food is remarkable – Polynesan or French – both are exquisite and the views you are seated inside are amazing. This is the Moana in the harbourside gardens. Breathtaking. I guess someone has to do it so we have stepped up.
Rae has wanted a Poison Cru since apparently Tahitian ones are the best – and this evening didn’t disappoint.

Off to town today. The buses are quite exciting and definitely not meant for tourists! Hey hey – we managed and of course everyone was super kind and helpful!
We love Papete Market. Loads of beautiful fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and meat – and some more general bargains too.

It was a lovely evening out. At a restaurant in the park just across from our apartment and alongside the harbour. Great food, lovely environment and of course lovely company.

It looks as though more tourists are arriving. Apparently she’s staying overnight so our peaceful Island may get a bit busy

15th October 2022

Another day in the tropics – so hard!
Just a few pics-about-town to remind us of what it was all about. Only a couple of more days left now. It’s been a very useful and very interesting get-away. And is making us want to plan more and more extensive ones. (Funny that).
Today we re-found the bar with the Best Coffee that we had headed for previously, so that was nice.
Then a wander back through the Place Vaiete. Always chooks around in Papeete. Not so much Free Range as Wander Anywhere.
Ended up at the wrong bus station but people here are all so friendly and helpful, so that was quickly fixed. Whatever it takes to make a population vibrant, happy, friendly, helpful – well you just think maybe we should all do it.

Our Covid 19 Staycation

The covid 19 mantra for the past 4 weeks has been:

• Stay Home

• Stay Safe

• Be kind

And generally kiwis have abided by these guidelines even though many of us are itching to get travelling again! However, we are experiencing difficult times where there is a feeling of absolute uncertainty around us all. We have not been here before.

Every day we plan a walk around our little coastal village. At first we automatically walked our usual route, but in this past week we’ve tried to ring in the changes, making us observe new sights.

We may not be socialising anymore, but you cannot remove the evidence of where people have been in happier times.

We wonder when….

the swing in the tree has giggling children clambering on it again

children are leaping off the pontoon into the water

grandad can go fishing again

and the playgrounds have families enjoying picnics by the swings?

So we, the people may be in lockdown, but nature certainly isn’t.

We can still enjoy:

our beautiful, peaceful village;

sparkling water across the bay;

autumn colours appearing in our gardens,

and a feeling of gratitude that we live in a wonderful part of the world!

Cruising to Adelade

Tuesday November 26th 2019

The cases are almost packed and there is definitely an air of anticipation in our house. Last minute tidying, using up the perishables from the cupboards and fridge and checking that passports and other documents for embarkation are at the ready.

Yes, we are off on holiday tomorrow!

For the past few days we have been following the weather forecasts quite closely as we really would prefer a smooth trip across the Tasman to Sydney, our first port of call.

We’ll let you know the outcome once we have arrived.

Bon voyage!!


An Impromptu Getaway!

We had not really thought about a few days in Christchurch, but when our daughter-in-law, who is working there at the moment, suggested we spend a few days at her inner city apartment, we thought, ‘why not?’

Our first impressions were how empty the city was. We actually quite enjoyed the leisurely pace and being able to cross the road so safely! It doesn’t feel like a bustling city. People on the streets and in the restaurants we visited appeared to be mostly tourists!

Of course we set off to see the Square and what is left of the Cathedral. It made us think of how devastating the earthquake had been and just how complicated planning and carrying out the necessary repairs and restoration must be.

Watch the full video on our YouTube Channel

In the 3 days, we walked many kilometres ! We enjoyed a morning in the Botannical Gardens where we did see local people: a book club group of ladies, enjoying their coffees as they extolled the highs and lows of their reading, two mums and their children having a picnic on the grass and many ‘oldies’ like us out for their daily walk. The sun was shining; always a bonus!

We should do these impromptu getaways more often!

Algies Bay

Another interesting settlement in our neighbourhood is Algies Bay; in fact we are fortunate to be surrounded by a variety of beach locations.

It is a little hideaway from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Since it’s winter mow, and the residents have the place to themselves, it is a peaceful, tranquil place. During the summer months, the population does rise as families arrive to enjoy their summer holidays. However, compared to more popular beaches around the country, Algies Bay still retains its tranquil charm even with the influx of summer visitors.

Watch the full video on our YouTube Channel:

Children enjoy the safe shoreline, swimming and boogie boarding. Families can launch their boats either to go fishing or to just to spend an hour or two on the water.

Everything is very neat and tidy here. The recently built playground for the children is well cared for as are the paths and walkways down to the beach.

One gets the impression that the people of Algies Bay are proud of their place.

It’s Right Under Your Nose!

I remember years ago exploring London and sharing our adventures with family who lived there. Many times their reaction would be “Oh we’ve not actually been there, but hear that it is a great experience.”

Those memories came rushing back recently when we visited Tawharanui with two of our grandchildren. We have lived in this area for six years and last weekend was the first time we have visited this Regional Park – right on our doorstep!

This park is made up of coastal forest, wetlands, dunes, farmland and beautiful white sandy beaches. The Tawharanui Open Sanctuary (TOSSI) was formed in 2002 and its volunteers have worked tirelessly, with the Auckland Council, to develop this open sanctuary.

A predator free fence has been built across the peninsula allowing native animals to replenish their numbers.

Driving up to the car park we appreciated the hard work the volunteers put in to maintaining the area. The plantings and the wildlife fitted well with each other and prepared you for the amazing vista from the beach. It is beautiful!

It is not yet summer, but the beach was full of families relaxing, some brave enough to be swimming and boogie boarding. We will be back again soon to explore the ecology trail and other walks. We’ll download the Bird Sheet for the kids, as I’m sure they’ll want to return and we’ll see how many of the re-introduced native birds we can spot and how many native trees we can identify.


Why on earth haven’t we visited here before? We will be back soon!


Last Day

Day 8 



How come time flies past when you are on holiday? It’s hard to believe that we’ll be heading home early tomorrow morning.

It’s unanimous – we love Rarotonga! The people are friendly and helpful which is remarkable considering the number of tourists about. The weather has been pleasantly warm, raining most nights and the odd very quick showers during the day.

We have seen whales, magnificent beaches and beautiful tropical gardens. Eating out has been fun – stepping back in time, but nevertheless savouring the fresh seafood and different fruits.

Having a car has been a bonus. We are staying near the airport and on the other coast from all the resorts, so we’ve needed a car to get out and about. Gray was keen to get a scooter, but after seeing a couple our age enter a restaurant the other night, I’m glad we have a car. He looked more than pleased with himself as he swaggered in, whilst she had a look of horror on her face that said, ‘and I have to go back to the resort on that thing after dinner!!’ I do hope their holiday improved for her.


Circumnavigation – Or The Whole Way Round!

Day 7 


With the sun shining we head off on our journey around the island. You can go by bus, either clockwise or anti-clockwise. However, we choose our trusty Toyota Vitz to see us there.

Coffee stop at The Café and we’re off.

We do appreciate the speed limit of 50km on the open road. It fits in well with the friendly, island way of life. Quite civilised really. You can spot all the tourists as the rental car number plates begin with either RC or RB. The locals’ cars have no letters, just numbers on their plates. Also only tourists have to wear cycle helmets, though locals are being encouraged to do the same.

About half way round we stop at Muri Lagoon. It is very windy, but the sea and surrounding scenery is stunning.

There is a sign saying that this is the departure point for some of the early canoes that arrived in Aotearoa (NZ). How daunting it must have been setting off, hopeful that there was more land out there somewhere. We have become intrigued with the early sea migrations.

We arrived back at Black Rock at lunchtime and fortunately there was a table at Tuoro Café for us. A short walk across the lawn and we are there. Wanting something light and fresh, we chose from the tapas menu and were thrilled with how good the food was – the best we have had since leaving home. The view, similar to our villa, is stunning across the sea. Well, done Michele and Andy!!!

Great Expectations

Day 6 


It doesn’t take long to realise that Rarotonga is not a ‘foodies’ paradise. Seafood choices are generally really good, but for those who prefer a change from fish, it is not all haute cuisine!

Today was our wedding anniversary, so our eldest son suggested we have dinner at The Tamarind House. It is the only restaurant that advertises its fine dining menu and experience. Other eateries make sure you realise that they offer casual dining.



We arrived at the seafront restaurant with palm trees swaying in the breeze, were ushered to our table by a charming young waiter and presented with the plastic folder menu. The raw oysters were fabulous! Without moaning too much, we can assure you that the food that followed, was the worst we have had on the island. It was so disappointing!

So back at the villa we enjoyed a cup of tea and a Tim Tam! Happy Anniversary darling!

But there was a moment of excitement at lunchtime when we spotted a whale leap from the sea. If you were expecting to see them in the photo, sorry!